Montana Spinning Wheel III

I started working on this wheel back in April when I first posted about this wheel.  I have posted about its repairs since and am continuing to work on the &%#$#* modern glue repair on the rim of the wheel.

I repaired the last of 3 bobbins only one was undamaged.  This one had a small missing crescent shape piece and decided to do a matching repair rather than adding  small dovetails to hold it in place.  I carved the endgrain kirlian birch smooth to accept a new piece and used white birch to do the repair.  After about a half an hour glued with fish glue I was able to work the repair.  I carved it to shape then used a pair of compasses to scribe the fine lines.  I then used an engravers burin to deepen the lines before its first coat of shellac.  After that dried I used burnt umber in shellac to make it match.

The wood is so thin that it is translucent and light passes through.

I also had to repair the flyer and drilled two small holes in one side first.  I then placed the two pieces together, turned them over and tapped them on my bench.  I then removed the upper piece and there on the lower piece were two small piles of drill dust marking the spots.  I used an sharp awl to mark the holes and drilled the corresponding holes.  Simple method for small holes and no dowel centers that size.

The dowels are made from birch coffee stir sticks, I split them out and cut off the corners.

I also used Lee Valley Fish Glue and having no other method of clamping, I held it together for about 20 minutes and it held fine.

Now I just have to finish making the iron hooks and finish the wheel after some bad words.



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